PCB Solutions is proud to announce yet another successful engineering project. If you need design, engineering, or printed circuit assembly, PCB Solutions can do your project complete turnkey.
Quick Case Study:
Customer: Micromanipulator
Project Scope: Assist in reverse engineering and layout of an existing part number that needed to be laid out and set up for EMS assembly.
Details from the customer who gave us the files:
Since that last one was so easy I figured we’d give you another one to do as well. J The Gerber files we had for this board are no longer supported so I had to reverse engineer it. The files in the attached ZIP are:
A1010063.pdf – Mechanical, component layout, and silkscreen specifications
A1010063.png – Image of the schematic
A1010063.sch – Eagle schematic
A1010063_Back.jpg – Picture of the back of the board
A1010063_Front.jpg – Picture of the front of the board
A1010063_Side.jpg – Picture of the side of the board
BOM_A1010063.xlsx – BOM of board with links to part descriptions
Pcb_logo_A1010063.bmp – Board logo block
As with earlier boards, please make the motor control lines (XA) capable of 24V/1A. Same board specs as the previous ones with 0.062 thickness and solder mask both sides. Please place the connectors and jumpers as close to the original as possible.
The XY coordinates of the mounting holes are on the last page of the PDF. There are 6 through holes with a diameter of 0.170”. Their centers are located at the following X,Y locations in inches:
2. The part number is what we call out in our ERP database, but we have several thousand in stock so they were likely ordered a long time ago. The jumpers are 0.3” spacing. Please use that dimension between the holes.
3. Motor lines are as follows: XA
4. If it ends up better to make a 4 layer then do so. Please be sure the power and ground do not get near the mounting holes.
Replies from our engineer on questions:
Additional questions for you:
- I need clarification on some nets: XYXYXYX they do not go anywhere. Is this correct?
- EMO+ is set to both J1-K1. Is this correct?
- Since you are using Eagle, are libraries line up fairly well. All of your ribbon connections call for the library parts out of the library CON-HARTING-V, and all of the parts are the xxV versions. These parts all have cable retention latches and require more physical space on the board for them. Your xls BOM calls out standard shrouded headers with no retention latches. Which parts are expected because the library footprints are different in that the latches have additional mounting holes and the silk screen depicts a larger footprint? The larger footprint throws off all of your dimensionals on your pdf. If the standard headers are used I have to rebuild the schematic using the correct library part.
Once all the engineering questions were answered, our engineering staff laid out the PCB and created the Gerber files in RS-274X format for PCB Fabrication along with fabrication drawings and assembly drawings. Here is a look at the actual board fully assembled:
Here is a note from the customer in a final email:
I tested the ABCZYZ assembly on a system today and it passed. The invoice is being processed. Looking at the BOM for the board, there are 6 jumpers (PN: ABCXYZ CONN JUMPER SHORTING GOLD FLASH) called out. I did not see those jumpers anywhere in the package. Do you know if they were present? Also, we need to ensure that the longer component pins sticking through the bottom of the board are trimmed. Can that be specified somehow in the future? Other than these two items, the build quality looks very good. Nice work! Thanks again for getting all the PCBs to us so quickly over the past month.
Wrapping up these two items was done the same day by our engineer. We wrapped up the final work on the project and received another new engineering design project for the same customer.